Lisa Seia




Mobile : 0439 939 380

Email :

Address: Balingup WA 6253, Australia

Website : Room To Grow Family Day Care


Hi my name is Lisa and I live on a beautiful 6.4 acre property in Balingup. I live with my husband Brian, our friendly 11 year old Labrador Penny, 2 year old cat Tilly, 21 chickens and a rooster named Wally and I’m sure our animal family will only grow as time goes on.

I strongly believe that children learn through play and having fun. We spend a lot of time outside and I think that children learn through all weathers, we just need to rug up and dress appropriately. Watching rain mixing with dirt to create mud is a great science experiment!

I feel that I am a fun, nurturing, responsible person who can be a big kid and get down on the floor to play with the kids, but I also am the adult and always maintain safety and supervision at all times.

I believe that children should feel safe and secure at all times and I will do whatever I can to make them feel this way. The environment should be safe, clean and welcoming, a place where the children can feel comfortable to be themselves. I believe that children have a voice and need to be heard, their ideas and needs will be listened to and acted on wherever possible.

I feel that eating healthy food is very important for our bodies and minds and should be a part of our everyday lives. I will endeavour to make or buy foods that have healthy ingredients and limit additives as much as possible, if not entirely.

We are open: Monday to Thursday 7.30am – 5.30pm but can discuss extra ours if needed and will occasionally have the odd sleep over so that families can have a well deserved break. We operate Before and After School Care, Long Day Care and Vacation Care.

Immerse your Children in Nature with Experienced Educators