March 2024

February (by the skin of our teeth) / March 2024

February has been a very busy month in the office what with Assessment and Rating being sprung on us, so this newsletter will be for the last day of February and March! As the scorching heat of Summer persists, we find ourselves immersed in the vibrant season of Bunuru, where the land is ablaze with the warmth of the sun and the colours of nature come alive! From outdoor adventures to sensory experiences, may these months be filled with enriching activities that ignite curiosity and nurture a deep connection with the environment around us!


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Grace McClintock who has opened her Family Day Care in Kununurra! We are very excited to be working with you and can’t wait to share in all the wonderful adventures that you and the children embark on.

Updating redPAY Bank Details

If families need to update their bank details, please reiterate to them that the invoices are automatically generated on Tuesday morning and once in the system these cannot be changed. Payments are processed from credit cards each Thursday and bank accounts on Friday (subject to Public Holidays). If they need to update/change their bank details for the payment of fees, they need to let us know as soon as possible. They can email the office and Change of Details link will be sent.

Professional Development

Are you interested in creating an environment of cultural safety and are you curious about how to effectively embed cultural responsiveness in your learning community? Be You has a webinar on Thursday, 21 March 2024 in which a panel will share their insights into engaging effectively with First Nations communities. If you’re interested in registering visit the Be You Website for registration details.

Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets

All Child Care facilities have a legal obligation to prepare for emergency situations such as fires. Educators have risk assessments, bush fire plans, fire extinguishers and / or fire blankets. While it is not a legal obligation to have a fire extinguisher, Australian Standards do outline the importance of businesses to have their Fire Protection equipment routinely checked and maintained. If you have a fire extinguisher in your service, it is essential that it is inspected and maintained. If you have any questions about this please speak to your ESO during your visit in March.

Interviewing Prospective Families

We have updated the checklist that Educators can use when they interview families. This was mentioned in last month’s newsletter. We would like to draw attention to one matter that really needs to be clarified when interviewing families because it seems to have caused a few problems during enrolment. It is important that Educators have a discussion clarifying the details of the enrolment fee and the holding fee. While it may be uncomfortable to talk about the holding fee, it is important to clarify that this will either be refunded when care ceases or put towards the last two weeks of care. We acknowledge that fee collection is now being managed by the Service, but it is your responsibility to clearly explain the terms and conditions to the families. We do send information about this, but it does get overlooked due to the number of emails that are sent when enrolling a new family.

Updated Forms & Policies

The following Forms and Policies have been updated and uploaded onto the website

• Record of Responsible Adult Form

• Parent Authorisation for Risk Assessments

• Parent Interview Checklist

• Policy 1.6 – Child Protection

• Policy 1.7 – Child Safe Environment

• Policy 5.3 – Transporting Children

• Policy 12 – Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisation

• Policy 13 – Positive Behaviour Guidance

• Policy 20 – Registration of FDC Educators

• Policy 28 – Employment of FDC Service Staff

• Policy 29 – Educator Leave

• Policy 34 – Fee Policy

• Policy 36 – Environmental Responsibility Policy

Officeworks Community Support

A big thank you to Madi Hynes for sharing her experience at Officeworks. Did you know that by crafting a letter on letterhead paper and presenting it at your local Officeworks, you have the chance to receive financial support for resources of your preference? Officeworks has informed us that in the letter, it’s crucial to specify your contributions to the community, highlighting your role as a family day care educator and outlining how you plan to utilise the funds – whether for stationary, photos, or learning materials. The amount granted may vary across different Officeworks locations in your community. Best of luck, and we would love to hear about your experiences. Remember, if you don’t ask, you won’t receive.

Change to Levy

It’s not even close to tax time, but we are giving you ample warning that the Service Levy will be increased by .10cent as from the 8th July 2024 which will be in line with the changes to the CCS rates. We do endeavour to keep costs as low as possible, but with increased costs and many changes in administration including the management of parent payments, we have needed to add additional staff hours in this area.

Great resource

Grace, our new Educator is Kununurra has shared a great resource she has purchased for her service. Emergency ID seat belt wrap is a device that attaches to the child seat belt or car restraint harness. It allows you to record any medical conditions for the child and emergency contact numbers. If your book was to become lost in an accident, each child’s details are secured onto the car restraint. If you want to check them out for your Service click here. Thank you Grace for sharing.

Word of the Day

Active Citizenship – Is about displaying values of respect, inclusion and helping others, as well as appreciating diversity in all its forms. It involves helping out and being connected to your local community.


We are sad to say goodbye to Kerrie Simes, Mary Gannaway, Bev Hewton & Gayna Denby. There are many years of experience and knowledge in this group of devoted Educators. We would like to thank you for all your years of dedication to the children and families that you worked with and we wish you the very best of luck on your new adventures!

Office Hours

Our office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm. If you have a query outside of these hours, please phone and leave a message. If you need to speak with someone in an emergency, please ring Jo Georgiou and if your call is not answered immediately, leave a message and your call will be returned.

Phone Numbers

Sandra / Sue: 0431 449 567 (Mon – Fri); Joy: 0429 030 362 (Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri); Jo C: 0477 029 531 (Mon – Fri); Jo G: 0477 029 132 (Mon – Thurs); Lea: 0477 029 228 (Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri).

To ensure that we respond to your emails promptly please send your queries to:

“Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow” – Helen Keller